
Iconic, Warhol, Montoya, Perucchetti

8 April - 5 July 2013

One of the recurring motifs in Mauro Perucchetti’s oeuvre is the jelly baby, which succinctly embodies his style and ethos. Each of these giant figures is perfectly moulded and composed of light-reflecting resin with an impressive depth of colour. Polyurethane resin is highly unstable, and Perucchetti has devoted years to manipulating the material and perfecting a technique which allows him to use the liquid on such a large scale. Although each jelly baby is unique in production, the topical issue of cloning is immediately brought to mind. The message is sinister, the imagery ‘sweet’.

Contemporary Colombian artist Santiago Montoya follows a multidisciplinary approach that embraces traditional painting, found objects and video documentary. In carefully structured series, he uses the aesthetics of materials to introduce meaning, resulting in collections where appearance and concept bear equal weight. He comments on a broad swathe of political issues, from conservation and dispossession to the transmission of information, aiming to uncover reality and bring to light the victory of the human spirit over adversity.

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